Disfrute de una visita nocturna a Medina Azahara. Recorreremos el yacimiento, conociendo la terraza alta, donde residieron algunos de los califas omeyas, y la terraza media, donde se encuentran palacios, zonas de servicio y escenarios de representación de poder como el pórtico oriental. Esta visita es ideal en los meses calurosos de verano, ya que se visita al anochecer, cuando han bajado las temperaturas. Tendrá unas vistas maravillosas de la antigua ciudad palatina, recientemente iluminada desde su declaración como Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco en 2018. Disfrutará del paisaje en plena Sierra Morena, con las luces de fondo de la actual Córdoba.
A menos de 10 km de Córdoba se encuentra uno de los yacimientos más importantes de Europa, la ciudad palatina de Medina Azahara, mandada a construir por orden del califa Abderramán III en el siglo X. En ella llegaron a vivir más de 15.000 personas, y fue famosa por su enorme lujo, su cuidada planificación y sus hermosos jardines.
Conozca la historia y leyendas que enriquecen el pasado de Córdoba en su época de esplendor.
2 hours aprox.Schedules
Tuesdays to Sundays: 21:00 with transport, 21:15 without transport.
- Adults
25€ with transport from Cordoba (the shuttle bus is included)
15€ without transport from Cordoba (the shuttle bus is included) - Kids from 5 to 12 years
13€ with transport from Cordoba (the shuttle bus is included)
7€ without transport from Cordoba (the shuttle bus is included) - Kids under 5 years are free
SpanishFrequently Asked Questions
1. Tickects are included?
Yes, except visitors who are not member of the European Union, who must pay 1.5€ at the entrance.
2. ¿The shuttle bus is included?
Yes, it is included with the guided tour.
3. ¿Are groups very big?
In this visit the maximum of people per Group is 30. The guide will is whispers to hear and follow the explanation much better.
4. ¿Do I have to wait queues?
In high season you must wait to take the shuttle bus, but there are various buses going each 15 minutes. Anyway, you will be with the guide from the very beginning, so you could follow the explanation meanwhile you wait to take the bus.
5. ¿Is it an accessible monument?
The visitor’s centre where there is a museum, the conservation place and an auditory to watch a video about Medina Azahara is totally accessible.
The archaeological site has ramps with a different access for people who go in wheelchair, but there are other areas with difficult accessibility.
6. ¿Can I eat inside?
Inside the monument you must not eat or drink anything except water.
There is no cafeteria or bar in this moment, but there are fountains to drink water.
7. ¿Should I use special clothes?
You should use comfortable clothes and shoes.
El pavimento de algunas zonas suele ser irregular al ser un yacimiento, por lo tanto el uso de tacones queda desaconsejado.
Medina Azahara is an archaeological site, so the ground in different areas is irregular. You should not use heels.
Most of the visit is outside and temperatures in Cordoba in summer should be very hot. We advice you to use breathable clothes and hat if you need it. Take water for the whole tour.
Meeting point
If you take the bus from Cordoba, the meeting point is Glorieta de la Cruz Roja, opposite to Palace Hotel. The bus leaves at 21:00 (Please, be there 10 minutes before).
Find the green umbrella.
If you go on your own transport, the meeting point is Parking of Medina Azahara at 21:15 (Please, be there 10 minutes before).
Find the green umbrella.